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Learning concept checking the hard way - P2

In the previous post, I talked about importance/use case of concept checking. In this post we’ll step by step see how concept checking works.

Our final goal is to write a has_less method, which for any given type will return true or false based on whether < is defined for that type or not at the compile time

Let’s first look at some of the c++ concepts which we’ll use in the process.

1. decltype

(since c++11)

decltype let’s you extract type from any expression. It’s available in C++11

For example, In the example below, decltype can be used to get the type of variable myType1 and used to define another variable with the same type.

//dec.cpp file
class MyType{
    MyType(){std::cout << "Mytype: constructor called." << std::endl; }

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    MyType myType1;
    decltype(myType1) myType2;
    return 0;

>> ./a.out
Mytype: constructor called.
Mytype: constructor called.

Takeaway: we can use decltype to get type of a variable.

2. declval

(since c++11)

declval creates a default constructed type of its argument for use in type checking. It never returns a value. It is usually used with decltype to determine the type of an expression. It doesn’t require constructor of the types to exist or match. Line 14 won’t compile because there is no matching constructor.

Note that the compilation error occurs because NonDefault type doesn’t have a “default” constructor. Line 7, defines a constructor; hence there won’t be a default constructor that will be created anymore. If you uncomment the line number 6, the compilation error on line 14 will go away since now compiler will find a matching constructor.

Example, taken from cpp reference

  struct Default {
      int foo() const {return 1;}
  struct NonDefault {
  //    NonDefault(){}
      NonDefault(const NonDefault&) {}
      int foo() const {return 1;}
  int main()
      decltype(Default().foo()) n1 = 1; // int n1
  //  decltype(NonDefault().foo()) n2 = n1; // will not compile
      decltype(std::declval<NonDefault>().foo()) n2 = n1; // int n2
      std::cout << "n2 = " << n2 << '\n';

3. constexpr

(since c++11)

constexpr gives you a constant at the compile time instead of runtime constant that you get using const keyword.

constexpr int CreateConstant (int a, int b) { return a * b; }
const int arraySize = CreateConstant(2,3);

arraySize will be calculated at the compile time here.

4. static_assert

(since c++11)

Performs compile-time assertion checking

//will give you a compile time assertion failure error. 
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    static_assert(1==2, "Assertion failed.");
    return 0;

5. Template specialization

Templates in c++ are turing complete and you can do lot of cool stuff with them. Some trivia about templates:

  • Templates are instantiated at compile time and only if they are used somewhere in a program. However they are checked for syntax.

    Consider the example below, where we have a generic template method(hello(T a)) that calls a method(iDontExist) that is not defined anywhere. However the code compiles successfully since we are not calling that method.

    Note the specialization of the template for int type. When compiler has more than one functions with the same name, it looks at the type and select the best match. In case of hello<int>(2), it selects the specialized template over generic so, it instantiates only the specialized template which is both syntactically and semantically correct.

// This is a valid code and will compile just fine
template <typename T>
void hello(typename T::foo a){
    int b = T::iDontExist(12); //iDontExist doesn't exist.
    std::cout << a << std::endl;

// Another possible candidate.
template <typename T>
void hello(T a){
    std::cout << a << std::endl;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]){
    return 0;
  • Substitution failure is not an error (SFINAE)

Note in the above program, when hello<int> is called compiler first tries to match it with the void hello(typename T::foo a), however int doesn’t have a nested type int::foo. This is called a substitution failure, compiler failed to substitute typename T for int.

Compiler doesn’t throw a compilation error here; it removes this overload from potential candidate and tries to find the next possible match. If one or more candidates remain and overload resolution succeeds, the invocation is well-formed. Check out more about SFINANE on wikipedia

  • Given two possible candidates where one is variadic and other is not. Compiler always chooses the non-variadic method. For example, In the example below compiler has two candidates for hello<int>. Compiler chooses the non-variadic one.
template <typename T>
// Note the variadic(...) arguments
void hello(...){
    std::cout << "variadic method." << std::endl;
// Another possible candidate.
template <typename T>
void hello(T a){
    std::cout << "non-variadic method." << std::endl;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]){
    return 0;
>> ./a.out
non-variadic method.

That’s all we need and in the next post we’ll write our has_less method.