Learning concept checking the hard way - P1
March 21, 2014
What is a concept in C++?
A concept is a set of requirements (valid expressions, associated types, semantic invariants, complexity guarantees, etc.) that a type must fulfill to be correctly used as arguments in a call to a generic algorithm.
Example: Binary Search Tree
If you write your own generic implementation for a BinarySearchTree.
It should basically work for any type that defines <
operator. As long as you have that condition satisfied you can build a binary
search tree for that type. For instance, <
is defined for int
, double
However, it’s not defined for complex
numbers. C++ has no explicit mechanism
for representing concepts.
Consider the following possible way you may write your generic Binary Search Tree.
template <typename T>
class BinarySearchTree{
// Dummy method to insert a new node to the tree.
void insert(T value, T parent){
// calling `<` operator. Compilation will fail if it doesn't exist
// for a type.
if(value < parent){
std::cout << "Less than operator exists" << std::endl;
// Insert to the left of binary tree.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
// instantiating template with int
BinarySearchTree<int> bint;
// instantiating template with double
BinarySearchTree<double> bdouble;
return 0;
>> g++ b.cpp -o btree
>> ./btree
Less than operator exists
Less than operator exists
Awesome, so it works for both double and int, since <
is defined for
them. What happens if you try it with complex numbers? let’s see:
//include the complex lib
#include <complex>
// In main function
// instantiating template with complex
BinarySearchTree<std::complex<int> > bcomplex;
bcomplex.insert(std::complex<int>(1,2), std::complex<int>(4,5));
If you try to run your BinarySearchTree implementation for complex
numbers you will get a compile time error. So the question is how do you
check if a class has a certain method defined or not?
Above Example is a trivial example to show you the use case, the error
could be buried deep into your code and may not represent the actual reason for
Boost documentation gives a good example.
In short it would be good to have a has_less
method for a generic type
that determines if the given type has a <
method defined or not. Using
this method you can give user a more meaningful error.
Before we proceed, note that you can use concept checking provided by boost library. You’d write something like this:
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
//inside class
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE(T, boost, LessThanComparableConcept);
For more info: visit https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/concept_check/using_concept_check.htm
In the next post, we’ll implement our own version of concept checking. It involves some really cool template tricks and C++ trivia.
Feel free to comment and give suggestions.
- https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/concept_check/concept_check.htm